Boardrooms - AV Consult MEA Integrated Systems

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AV Consult MEAaims to closely with clients design a system for boardroom  to both fully meet clients’ requirements and also ensure ease of use. Whether you want your technology on display or hidden away, we will ensure it is aesthetically pleasing for your corporate image.

AVC can automate your corporate boardroom for effective presentations and meetings, offer a full line of boardroom and conference  room tools accomplish your needs, such as:

  • Front & Rear LCD/DLP projectors and screens

  • Professional LED & LCD displays

  • Electrical LCD Display Lifts

  • Audio Systems

  • Wired & Wireless Touchpanel control systems

  • Simultaneous Interpretation Systems

  • Professional Cameras & Recorders

  • Video conferencing Audio conferencing

  • Lighting systems

  • Electrical drapes

  • Boardroom furniture

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